Smart Investment Advisory

 Smart Investment Advisory

    Innovative technologies such as big data mining, AI, and machine learning have gradually entered every corner of the finance world, and the asset management industry also has various AI implications.

张承惠 当前发展智能投顾面临三大难题

    Moreover, this application trend is getting faster and faster. 

    To summarize the advantages of AI investment advisor:

First, improve data quality. Data is the blood of the financial industry. By using machine learning and AI to organize, structure, compare and mine data, we has no doubts about its advantage.

    Second, integrate the compliance and risk processes. Utilizing technology to automate those standard steps can save time and cost and avoid human errors.

Applied to the investment side. Technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation (RPA) can support human investment decisions in some ways.

    It is not surprising that someday the investment performance of AI fund managers outperform humans.
