Shame on Diamond Princess

    The Shanghai Composite Index (000001.SH) closed at 2906.07 today, down 0.71 percent from the previous trading day, with a 1.34 percent rebound led by banks and brokerage-weighted stocks after hitting a one-year low of 2685.27 points on February 4. In his period, the great rebound belongs to these of high performances.

    Today the blame may lie with a cruise ship called the Diamond Princess, which has been in the global spotlight lately. Some passengers on the cruise ship were diagnosed with COVID-19 on January 30, bringing the cumulative number of confirmed cases up to 218 as of January 13. It is now clear that the novel coronavirus is much more severe than previously thought, and with confirmed cases in Italy and in some European countries, it seems that the outbreak is beginning to spread, and the confirmed cases are affecting daily life and other activities.

(2020年2月10日,停靠在日本横滨港的钻石公主号邮轮。图/ 法新)
